Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Foods That Cause Stomach Problems
Although we have all suffered from heartburn, indigestion, belching, bloating or gas at some point after a meal, if it occurs with some frequency, your diet may include too many foods that cause stomach problems. There is a wide selection of food options available to satisfy any craving or satisfy any palate that does not adversely affect the stomach and even counteract the problems caused by the harmful foods.
While you should always consult your doctor regarding chronic health problems, persistent stomach problems, such as heartburn, are often related to a combination of the foods you eat and an imbalance in your heartburn. Finding the foods that trigger your indigestion and eliminating them is key to finding permanent relief. But do not worry; You will not have to die of hunger! We have compiled a list of alternatives to the 5 most common foods that cause indigestion:
Heavy carbohydrates
PastaCorn, pasta, potatoes, white bread
One of the main culprits of the problems related to the stomach is a diet loaded with carbohydrates. Foods with starch such as corn, pasta, potatoes, noodles and white bread can wreak havoc on the digestive system and cause bloating, belching, gas and heartburn. Carbohydrates are loaded with polysaccharides that have sugars that are difficult to digest.
Alternatives high in carbohydrates
Choosing complex and healthy carbohydrates and whole grains with more fiber will satisfy your cravings for heavy carbohydrates without disturbing your stomach.
Integral rice
Whole grain bread
Saturated fats
Fried foods, red meat, sauce
A list of foods that cause stomach problems would not be complete without a mention of fatty foods and the adverse effect they have on the digestive system. Any fried food - chicken, fish, potatoes - can be a source of acidity or gases. Fatty meats, strong sauces, cakes, creamy sauces or rich soups are potential sources of food that can cause stomach problems.
Alternatives high in fat Chicken on the grill
Choose lean white meats and always prepare them grilled,Aloe Vera Gel
broiled, baked or steamed to get a tasty meal that does not trigger indigestion.
Olive oil
Ice CreamDairy
Cheese, ice cream, milk
A diet high in cheeses, ice cream, milk and creamy salad dressings while experiencing acidity, belching or gas may be the time to reduce dairy. It can be a sign of lactose intolerance caused by the sugar lactose found in dairy products.
Alternatives to MilkYogurt
Although it is still dairy, yogurt is a healthy probiotic alternative to ice cream that can be equally delicious without causing stomach problems. But if you are lactose intolerant, you will want to avoid dairy products altogether.
Rice milk
Almond milk
Coconut milk
Acid vegetables and fruits
CitrusfruitsTomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, lemons / limes
Even some fruits and vegetables can cause gas, belching or heartburn. Tomatoes, oranges, grapefruits, lemons and juices prepared with them can upset the balance of heartburn.
Acidic alternatives of fruits and vegetables Non acid fruit
Opt for fruits with low acidity and replace the tomatoes with pumpkin. You can achieve a similar flavor and consistency in almost any recipe without disturbing your stomach.
Any product made with coffee will contain the caffeine we all crave, but it also comes with a significant dose of acidity. Due to the popularity of coffee and the frequency with which it is consumeded, is one of the most common contributors to cases of chronic indigestion.
Coffee alternatives
Yerba mate is an excellent substitute for coffee that contains the same amount of caffeine with reduced acidity. Green tea also provides caffeine without the great acidity present in coffee.
the yerba mate
Green Tea
Nobody wants to stop enjoying the foods they love! For those who do not want to abstain completely, preventive measures are the best option. Prescription antacids are widely available, but they can be dangerous and full of chemicals. Those looking for a totally natural solution is recommended to resort to Aloe Vera for digestion problems. This amazing plant contains the potent acemannan compound along with a host of other vitamins and nutrients that help balance stomach acid naturally.
With absolute certainty, your diet plays a crucial role in how you feel. Stomach problems related to a diet are more likely than the result of poor eating habits and the consumption of wrong foods. Those are the foods that do not agree with you. Know yourself: the reaction to food differs with each individual. Good digestive health starts with a healthy diet, but natural Aloe Vera supplements can help promote digestive wellness and comfort.
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